Spoglio del Achille Maria Ricci, ca. 1818-1861.


Spoglio del Achille Maria Ricci, ca. 1818-1861.

Records in the buste are largely of a political nature. They pertain to political affairs in Germany, Poland, Spain, and other countries. Among these documents are copies of correspondence between Napoleon and Pius VI. Other materials in the buste pertain to the apostolic delegations in Ancona, Velletri (specifically the Neapolitan war 1860-1861), Camerino, the siege of Gaeta in 1861, Civitavecchia, and particularly Ravenna. A limited number of documents concern the office of the uditore of the Camerlengo.

12 buste.


SNAC Resource ID: 6837956

Bentley Historical Library

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